Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Feels Like Summer Already!

Today at school we are having a carnival and a "Monster" truck showed up and gave everyone free monster! It always makes me think of all the music festivals I go to during the summer when I see an energy drink stand. So pumped for Mayhem and Uproar!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Amazing weekend

I met this dog this weekend and she sat on my lap for several hours

Friday, April 12, 2013

Every Morning

I live on the 4th floor in a dorm and at the beginning of the spring semester we pushed our bed to the window. The only problem being we don't have a screen in anymore and I am on the top bunk so death is always a possibility every night.


I ride my bike around campus because I have a bad habit of sleeping in till the last minute. I park my bike in a cove underneath my building. This is what I see every day after locking up my vehicle.